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Illinois Error Stamp

The 1980 Illinois duck stamp was issued incorrectly identifying the duck as a green-winged teal. The correct species is wigeon. A total of 1,774 serially numbered stamps were sold before the error was detected by a collector at a Chicago area stamp show. Of the total error stamps sold, 1,500 were sold to Ducks Unlimited who auctioned the stamps to raise funds. Only 274 stamps were sold to the general public before the error was detected.
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State Duck Stamps

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Cat. No.







Est. Print

KS11987 10.00 Green-winged teal3.00Guy Coheleach  20.00 200.00
KS1DDp1987 17.00 0.00 
KS1SSp1987 17.00 0.00 
KS21988 8.00 Canada goose3.00Ann Dahoney  20.00 175.00
KS31989 8.00 Mallard3.00Leon Parson  175.00
KS41990 8.00 Wood duck3.00Wes Dewey  50.00 300.00
KS51991 8.00 Pintail3.00J. Byron Test  20.00 200.00
KS61992 8.00 Canvasback3.00Jerry Thomas  25.00 200.00
KS71993 8.00 Mallard3.00Jerry Raedeke  20.00 175.00
KS81994 8.00 Blue-winged teal3.00Ann Dahoney  20.00 145.00
KS91995 8.00 Barrow's goldeneye3.00Neal Anderson  20.00 145.00
KS101996 10.00 American wigeon3.00Jerry Thomas  20.00 145.00
KS111997 10.00 Mallard (self-adhesive - blue)3.00Dustin Teasley  25.00
KS121998 10.00 Mallard (self-adhesive - green)3.00Dustin Teasley  25.00
KS131999 9.00 Mallard (self-adhesive - red)3.00Dustin Teasley  25.00
KS142000 9.00 Mallard (self-adhesive - purple)3.00Dustin Teasley  25.00
KS152001 9.00 Mallard (self-adhesive - orange)3.00Dustin Teasley  25.00
KS162002Pintail3.00Dustin Teasley 
KS172003 12.00 Pintail5.25Dustin Teasley  25.00
KS182004 12.00 Pintail5.25Dustin Teasley  25.00

Hunter Stamps
KS2h1988 8.50
KS2hp1988 17.00
KS3h1989 8.50
KS3hp1989 17.00
KS4h1990 8.50
KS4hp1990 17.00
KS5h1991 8.50
KS5hp1991 17.00

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