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Qty. Item Description Price Total
1Scott National Binder Large 3 RingSupplies 41.99 41.99
1Pr-NWTF15Print 45.00 45.00
1Pr-RW28Print 95.00 95.00
1Pr-MT1Print 79.00 79.00
1Pr-TX8Print 39.00 39.00
1Pr-TX7Print 29.00 29.00
1Pr-TX11Print 49.00 49.00
1Pr-ILP2Print 25.00 25.00
1Album/Binders Scott U.S. Minuteman Album pages thru 2007 with 2 3 Ring BindersSupplies 99.95 99.95
1Nebraska Small Game, Hunting and Trapping, Licenses 1901-2009 Perfect BoundLiterature 25.00 25.00
1Pr-RW52Print 33.00 33.00
1Pr-MI12Print 49.00 49.00
1Pr-TX12Print 59.00 59.00
1White Ace Federal Duck 2005-06 (RW72-73)Supplies 4.50 4.50
1Federal Duck Set F-VFRW Set4593.004593.00
1Pr-WA12Print 49.00 49.00
1AL33 (s)Artist Signed State Duck Stamp 25.00 25.00
1Pr-GA2Print 69.00 69.00
1AL30State Duck Stamp 10.00 10.00
1Pr-RI3Print 45.00 45.00
1Pr-GA6Print 35.00 35.00
1Additional Mat stamp openingMat 24.00 24.00
Shipping ($2.00 minimum Foreign, Alaska, and Hawaii may be higher): 36.50
Sub Total + Shipping (Foreign, Alaska, and Hawaii may be higher):5678.94

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