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Your Shopping Cart:
Qty. Item Description Price Total
1Pr-MN6Print 45.00 45.00
1NV4v1State Duck Error 45.00 45.00
1Pr-MNTS9Print 35.00 35.00
1Pr-UK2Print 49.00 49.00
1Pr-RW40Print 49.00 49.00
1Pr-OR14Print 79.00 79.00
1Fishing Album PagesPages 69.95 69.95
1Showguard Mount Size 48 BlackSupplies 9.75 9.75
1Showguard Mount Size 39 BlackSupplies 9.75 9.75
1Duck Stamp Story SCBook 14.95 14.95
1Pr-WV3Print 55.00 55.00
1Showguard Mount Size 265 BlackSupplies 23.00 23.00
1Pr-UK2Print 49.00 49.00
Shipping ($2.00 minimum Foreign, Alaska, and Hawaii may be higher): 20.00
Sub Total + Shipping (Foreign, Alaska, and Hawaii may be higher):963.40

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